Terrabyte Software

Hi im Paulin Wirth, and I love games.

And here are some fun facts about me


I start to learn Gamedev in Unity.

Making games becomes my Passion


I visit the university of Constance for two semesters.

Whilst still going to high school.


I open Terabyte Software,

Whilst still being only 16

Hi, I’m Paulin.
I have been developing games since I was 13.

During that time I learned tons about how Unity works, how to efficiency write projects and also on how to finish games.

I was also able to participate in a program by my local university, which allowed me to partake in normal computer science classes alongside school. During so, I almost finished my first full semester of computer science before graduating from school.

Between 2022 and 2023 I worked with a well known mobile publisher. Together we developed and tested mobile prototypes. This phase was vital about learning how to use Unity properly and learning about businesses.

With that new knowledge and my game development getting more and more professional, I wanted to create a business for it. I learned that this technically not able for a minor, but it’s possible in Germany, when a Family Court agrees to this.

Following that new knowledge, I started a legal process at my local courthouse to gain emancipated rights in my business.
After lots of back and forth, including personal hearings, I finally got the verdict. I was allowed to fully operate a business in game development.

Following that, my development improved even more. I also worked more and more on UI Design, 3D modelling, Texture Painting but also Shader Development.

About today:

I am currently working on Space Station Builder.

In it, you are tasked to manage a Space Station lying in an Orbit around earth.

While figuring out how to make profits, expand the station and research new parts, you will also have to take care of the crews needs whilst doing any random events that might prevent the livability of your station.

And don’t forget maintenance.

When keeping up your research you can advance into new stages, which allow you to specialize into one of the three categories [Research, Tourism, Space Hub].

In regard to publishing, the game

  • … will take around 3–8 Hours per Play through
  • … will have a high replayability because of the Specialization System
  • … will be easy to add DLC to
  • … fits into the city builder / strategy genre
  • … does not have any direct competition
  • … can be very cheap in funding